Mid America Dharma News
Offering Insight Meditation to the Heartland | Spring 2024
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The Dharma Calls the Heart
An edited version of a 2022 Dharma talk by Tara Mulay
Samvega is often translated as “spiritual urgency.” It’s the sense that what one has been doing to try to be happy in the midst of all these conditions has been going in the wrong direction. And there must be another way. And dharma practice might be the other way.
Bhikkhu Bodhi describes it as, “The inner commotion or shock we experience when we are jolted out of our usual complacency by a stark encounter with truths whose full gravity we normally refuse to face.”

Mindfulness of Breathing Simple and Deep
by Philip Jones
When I first began practicing Insight Meditation, I was told to sit still and give my complete attention to my breath. And when my mind wandered (which was most of the time) and I noticed it (not so often), I should bring my attention back to the breath without criticism (that was a challenge). I should do this again and again and again and again. I was told that eventually my mind would settle down (it did!… sometimes), that this practice would get easier (it was … sometimes), and that all of this was part of becoming mindful.

Retreat: Returning to Our Mind’s Natural Home
By Gil Fronsdal
This article is the Introduction to Gil’s new manual for retreat practice, which will be available soon. The manual contains essays Gil wrote over many years to support those who attend retreats at IRC. Writing them was also an expression of his love for mindfulness, meditation, and retreats. He hopes the book will inspire and support you in undertaking these retreats.

Mark Your Calendar for Two Upcoming Retreats
Two more opportunities for retreat practice are coming up in the near future:
David Chernikoff will be offering “The Path of Service: An Insight Meditation Retreat” on
October 23-27, 2024 in St. Louis, MO.
James Baraz will be offering an online retreat for Mid America Dharma Friday, January 17 to Sunday, January 19, 2025.

Retreats Offered by Other Insight Meditation Groups
Mid America Dharma would like to share the following information about retreats being offered by other Insight Meditation Retreat Centers.
Dana for Our Sangha
Mid America Dharma operates through the generosity of our volunteers and the financial gifts of our supporters, which help to cover our operating expenses, support our teachers and scholarship fund.
In the Pali language, generosity is called dana. Generosity is part of a 2600 year old tradition of supporting the Buddha’s teachings, Dharma teachers, and sangha through gifts. The practice of dana is more than just providing financial support. It allows each of us to explore the experiences of giving and receiving.
Mid America Dharma is very grateful for all the support we receive. If you are interested in giving dana to Mid America Dharma, you may donate online here or mail your gift by check to:
Mid America Dharma
c/o Carl Wingo
11900 N. Dripping Springs Rd.
Columbia, MO 65202
If you are donating by check, please designate in the memo line which of the following funds you would like your donation to support.
- MAD Operating Support
- MAD Scholarship Fund
- MAD Teachers
Retreat Basics: The Five Precepts
We ask everyone participating in our retreats to make a commitment to follow the Five Ethical Precepts, a foundation for our practice.
The precepts create the community of harmony and safety necessary for our work of turning inward. The self restraint we show by following the precepts is essential to settle the mind.
Through this we develop confidence in our work and ability to do the practice. Following the precepts bestows a sense of happiness with our own goodness.
Upcoming Events
Residential Retreat
with Devin Berry & Tara Mulay
Conception, MO
June 27-July 2, 2024
Residential Retreat
with Phil Jones
Conception, MO
August 14-22, 2024
Please watch our website and your email for further announcements about these events.