Mid America Dharma operates through the gifts of volunteer service and your financial gifts which help to cover our operational expenses and to support our scholarship fund. We have no paid staff.
Your generosity is part of a 2500 year old tradition of supporting the teachings, teachers, and supporting organization through gifts. Generosity is called dana in the Pali language.
Our teachers also participate in this tradition of dana. They teach out of compassion and in the spirit of generosity. They are not paid for teaching and are dependent on your gifts to help cover their living expenses and to allow them to continue teaching.
To learn more about supporting our teachers please see the teacher support page.
The practice of generosity or dana is more than just giving financial support. It allows each of us to explore the experiences of giving and receiving. We encourage you to meet this experience with mindfulness and curiosity, discovering both the challenges and the joys of giving.
We appreciate your generosity and are very grateful for any support we receive. Please be sure to indicate if you are making a donation for a specific teacher, to the Scholarship Fund, or for general support of MAD.
You may donate here:
Or, you may send a check to our treasurer at:
Mid America Dharma
c/o Lisa Reboy
402 Virginia Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50315