Bridget Rolens

Bridget Rolens has been practicing Insight Meditation in the Theravada tradition and sharing her experience of the Buddha’s teachings since 1997. Teachers who have significantly impacted her practice include Gloria “Taraniya” Ambrosia, Matthew Flickstein, Ginny Morgan and Shaila Catherine. Recognized by the Spirit Rock Teachers Council as a Community Dharma Leader, Bridget leads a weekly insight meditation group and shares her experience of the Dharma through classes, retreats and individual mentoring.
Bridget also has certification as a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher. From 2006 to 2024 she provided Mind-Body Health Services for the Hospital Sisters Health System; and from 2015 to 2024 she facilitated Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) groups for the Washington University MEDEX program studying the benefits of MBSR, Health Education, and Exercise to improve memory, attention, and concentration in older adults.
50 years of experience in healthcare and spiritual practices rooted in Christian, Buddhist and Twelve-Step Recovery traditions gives Bridget a strong understanding of the connection between body, mind and spirit.
Listen to Bridget’s retreat recordings on our Audio page.
To visit Bridget’s website, click HERE.