Spirit of Service

A Residential Retreat with
David Chernikoff

Wednesday, October 23 – Sunday, October 27, 2024

Registration open, closes October 16, 2024

Retreat Description 

Compassionate action plays a central role in all of the world’s great wisdom traditions. Given the experiences we’ve all lived through in the past several years and the current state of our beautiful blue-green planet, an inner imperative to serve is burning brightly in a lot of hearts. In this retreat, each participant will be invited to explore a simple and powerful question: How can I help? The practices of sitting and walking meditation in silence will be a major part of our time together. There will also be dharma talks, meditation instruction, experiential exercises, and opportunities for discussion. In a caring, supportive learning environment, we’ll each tap into our intuitive inner guidance regarding how to be instrument of benefit in a world that is desperately calling out for love and wisdom.



Actual Cost $950 | Minimum $865 | Supporter $969 | Sponsor $998 | Benefactor $1055 

Click here for our pricing policy.
If you need financial assistance, please see our scholarship policy before registering.

None of the fees go to the teacher for offering the teachings. Teachers receive financial support for their work strictly by a separate, voluntary donation. You can learn more about this on our Teacher Support page. We encourage you to support the teacher and the continued sharing of the Dhamma through a financial contribution.

To assure everyone has a safe and wholesome retreat, we ask each retreatant to honor The Five Precepts throughout the retreat. Read more about The Five Precepts here.

Also regarding everyone’s safety, the teacher is setting special COVID-19 safeguards in place. All retreatants are required to read and electronically sign a COVID-19 agreement before attending the retreat. Click HERE to preview this agreement.

For more information read our FAQ, email us or call Jennifer Love at 816-309-4116

Upcoming  Activities

Spirit of Service
A Residential Retreat
with David Chernikoff
St. Louis, MO
October 23-27, 2024
Registration is open, closes October 16, 2024

Reading The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
An Online Sutta Study Course
with Philip Jones
Meeting Monthly: Nov. 20, Dec. 18, 2024
and Jan. 15, Mar. 19, 2025
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Central Time
Registration is open, closes Nov. 10, 2024

2025 Awakening Joy Course: 10 Steps to a Happier Life
Affiliate Event
Online with James Baraz
Meeting Times: see the course description
Registration is open