Help Wanted

by Lucy Freeman

Recently a “Help Wanted Ad” was sent to everyone on the Mid America Dharma mailing list. It was addressed to “Those Who Love the Dharma and Those Who Value In Person Retreats”. The ad shared that the board is excited to begin offering in person retreats again and a whole line up is planned for 2024. As retreats can’t happen if there is no one to do the behind the scenes work, the ad asked for volunteers to help make the retreats happen. Positions available were: Board Members, Retreat Coordinator for 2025, Retreat Managers, Public Relations Committee members, and a Web Content Support volunteer.

Following the sending of the “Help Wanted Ad”, there were several offers of assistance. We have a volunteer who will be back up for Web Support. This is huge and we are so grateful to Terry Alan for being willing to take this on. Jon Yaffe, has been learning this role for several months now and Terry will be back up for Jon.

There is a volunteer who is interested in Board Membership and is in the process of following up. There are a couple of volunteers for the Retreat Coordinator position who are in the process of learning what this position would entail. Some folks have volunteered to be retreat managers. This is all wonderful news and the board is so grateful for all the volunteer help.

Board members are still needed. There are slots for thirteen board members. At the present time there are nine with the possibility of one more. If you are passionate about the dharma and want to help pass it on to others, especially those in the Midwest, this is a way to carry out that aspiration. No special skills are needed. You will pick them up as you go along.

Someone for the PR Committee is still needed. This is not particularly time  consuming and there is no need for tech or graphic design skills.

Retreat managers are always needed.

If you missed the ad and would like to see it, here it is:

Volunteers Needed

To: Those Who Love the Dharma and Those Who Value In Person Retreats

Mid America Dharma Needs Your Help!!

We are excited to begin offering in person retreats again and have a whole line up planned for 2024. We need people to help make these retreats happen.

Here are some ways you can help:

  1. Become a board member
    Board meetings are held on line via zoom (no travel necessary) quarterly in January, April, July and October. This is an opportunity to experience the workings of what is needed to present retreats and classes. In addition to the meetings there are various committees and projects for which one can volunteer.
  2. Retreat Coordinator for 2025 retreats
    This position involves scheduling retreats with teachers and retreat centers. It is mostly by email, there may be some phone contacts involved. The process begins typically two years ahead of when the retreat is scheduled. We need someone now to begin planning retreats for 2025. This requires a two year commitment. This volunteer would need to attend online board meetings which meet quarterly to advise the board of progress. Training and support is available.
  3. Retreat Manager
    Each retreat we have requires a manager. Training and support is available. Duties include but are not limited to:
    • Communicating with the teacher prior to the retreat learn of specific arrangements.
    • Coordinating with the retreat center regarding needs for the retreat.
    • Preparing and giving an opening talk, dana talk and closing talk.
    • Making sure all needed supplies are obtained and at the retreat center.
    • Arranging for transportation to and from the airport and arranging lodging for the teacher.
    • Setting up the meditation hall and tea room.
    • Any necessary paperwork for retreatants.
    • If residential making room assignments and coordinating with the retreat center for meals.
  1. Public Relations Committee
    Duties are to coordinate with the web designer and graphic designer the announcements for the retreats. This would involve about two events per year.
  1. Web Content Support
    The person holding this volunteer position will be trained to assist in updating the Mid America Dharma (MAD) website with new and revised content, with the long-term possibility of taking over as Content Manager. Almost all content to be maintained will be provided by MAD board members and other volunteers. Any original content must be reviewed and approved by specified board member(s) prior to publishing. The position is not responsible for overall design of the website or its infrastructure, though knowledge in these areas will be helpful.

    The website is maintained using WordPress and a variety of specialized plug-in tools, including Elementor, Event Espresso, Quiz and Survey Master, and Yoast SEO. Prior experience with these or other web-building tools is highly desirable, as is programmatic familiarity with Mid America Dharma and its website. Key aspects of the site content include:

MAD sponsors up to eight program events per year – dharma retreats and recurring classes. The website posts a variety of content for each of these, including pages that:

    • Describe the event – type, teacher(s), date(s), location, pricing, etc.
    • Provide for scheduling and conducting online registration
    • Survey participant satisfaction and comments post event

Other content is less dynamic, but of course requires updates as needed: e.g., teacher profiles, lists and/or links to newsletters, audio recordings, dharma practice and study resources, etc..

The website is a vital MAD resource. While this is a part-time volunteer position, it requires a substantial commitment. Training in using the site-building tools may take up to a year (depending on the extent of prior experience), and work will be supervised as needed for up to another year to assure quality. The ideal candidate will have a love of the dharma, and be highly motivated to provide service to support MAD’s mission of fostering its availability throughout the Midwest. 

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Lucy Freeman at or 314-341-0725.

Thanks to all who have already offered help and if you are still thinking about it, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Upcoming  Activities


2025 Awakening Joy Course: 10 Steps to a Happier Life
Affiliate Event
Online with James Baraz
Meeting Times: see the course description
Registration is open

Sutta Study Spring / Summer 2025
An Online Study Group
with Philip Jones
Apr. 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, and Aug. 20, 2025
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Central Time
Registration is opens, closes April 9, 2025

Insight Dialogue and Spiritual Friendship:
An Experiential Retreat

An Online Retreat
with Donna Strickland
and Sue Brown
June 6-8
Registration is open, closes June 3, 2025.

Intimacy With All Things
A Residential Retreat
with David Chernikoff
July 30 - August 3, 2025
Creighton University Retreat Center, Griswold, IA
Registration Opens: April 13, 2025

Mindfulness in Everyday Life
An Online Householder Retreat 
with Robert Brumet
and Joe McCormack
September 7, 9, 11 & 13, 2025
Registration opens June 7, 2025

The Happiness of a Well-trained Mind
A Residential Retreat
with Bridget Rolens
October 30 - November 2
Mercy Center St Louis
Registration Opens: July 15, 2025

Other Items of Interest