Meet One of Mid America Dharma’s New Board Members

Victor DoughertyAs a new member on the Board of Directors of Mid America Dharma I would, first, like to say how honored I am to be a part of this organization. I can recall one of my first retreats over 12 years ago at Ginny Morgan’s in Columbia MO. Those teachings and that experience inform my practice to this day. I would also like to say hi! So here is a little about me.

If you had told me two years ago that I would be the director of the Temple Buddhist Center in Kansas City, MO, I would have chuckled and suggested that maybe we not stand so close to the gongs during gong bath. The fact is, I did not see the offer coming.

And isn’t that a beautiful aspect to our practice, opening to the mystery of life and realizing that abundance comes in ways we could never foresee.

Had I attached to my plans for the future or remained convinced of my role as a public educator (21 yrs.), I would have been afraid to go on leave of absence, sensing a pull to something new or would not have recognized the opportunity when it presented itself. As it was in October, 2017, after I was asked to direct TBC by Duke Tufty, I went home and wept. The overwhelm I felt came for three reasons: first, that the senior minister at Unity Temple on the Plaza saw that in me when I could not. Second, it felt so perfect, as if 54 years of life had prepared me for this moment. And finally, there is only one way to truly repay my teacher (Ben Worth) for years of instruction and insight training, and that is to carry on the teachings. When I told Ben that I didn’t know if I was ready for this, he reminded me that had I not been ready, the opportunity would not have appeared, and the fact that I didn’t know is a very good sign.

So here I am, writing now and sharing some of my experiences and this brings me such joy…(along with some chocolate covered almonds). Each day I awaken to the bells in the tower on the Plaza, share in meditation and yoga twice a day with this community, delight in discussing the Dharma with visitors young and old, plan classes and events, facilitate retreats and create association with conscious groups like Mid America Dharma, Bridging the Gap, Mindful Ministries and more. I was supposed to write an article telling you who I am, but the truth is I am finding out in each moment, it seems, I am being introduced to me.

Victor J. Dougherty is the director of the Temple Buddhist Center,  816-994-8015
Both Victor and Temple Buddhist Center are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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Upcoming  Activities


2025 Awakening Joy Course: 10 Steps to a Happier Life
Affiliate Event
Online with James Baraz
Meeting Times: see the course description
Registration is open

Sutta Study Spring / Summer 2025
An Online Study Group
with Philip Jones
Apr. 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, and Aug. 20, 2025
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Central Time
Registration is opens, closes April 9, 2025

Insight Dialogue and Spiritual Friendship:
An Experiential Retreat

An Online Retreat
with Donna Strickland
and Sue Brown
June 6-8
Registration is open, closes June 3, 2025.

Intimacy With All Things
A Residential Retreat
with David Chernikoff
July 30 - August 3, 2025
Creighton University Retreat Center, Griswold, IA
Registration Opens: April 13, 2025

Mindfulness in Everyday Life
An Online Householder Retreat 
with Robert Brumet
and Joe McCormack
September 7, 9, 11 & 13, 2025
Registration opens June 7, 2025

The Happiness of a Well-trained Mind
A Residential Retreat
with Bridget Rolens
October 30 - November 2
Mercy Center St Louis
Registration Opens: July 15, 2025

Other Items of Interest